I have just returned from Milan, where I went to the presentation of the brand new Chilli Spray for self-defence of Tatuthe Piedmontese start-up that in little more than two years has churned out tasteful and solidarity-minded fashion objects. No Fear S.r.l. is the company of Manuel Giannini e Luca Zafaranaa new way of doing business that aims to humanize capitalism by allocating part of the net profit to improve the living conditions of those in need.

Alessia Berlusconi was somewhat of the event's Guardian Angel, and her 9.9 and Rosa Mistica were the wines with which we toasted the presentation of the Pepper Spray for Self-Defence by Tatù. That I love the 9.9 is now stated (if you care to elaborate HERE my first taste), so tonight I want to focus on the beauty of these #donnasthatdefendwomen.

tattoo terrace duomo 21 milan

The presentation event was held at the Cathedral Terrace 21a beautiful lounge overlooking the Duomo in Milan. I always love coming here, it is an exclusive place and perfect for a business meeting (but not only). Everything was perfectly organised, from the cloakroom to the exhibition gallery, from the aperitif to the actual presentation. The two owners of Tatù, Manuel Giannini and Luca Zafarana, seemed to me to be two really smart guys, with a good entrepreneurial flair and an uncommon ethic, and it was great to listen to them.

The event was attended by many people, faces from the business world, including Alessia's father, entrepreneur Paolo Berlusconi and his sister, TV producer Luna (Due-B Produzioni), and faces from the entertainment world including actor Paolo Ruffini and footballer/tronist Oscar Branzani, web influencer Marco Ferrero (Iconize), fashion influencer Rama Lila Giustina.

Ever since the creation of the company Niente Paura and its brand Tatù, the two partners Manuel Giannini and Luca Zafarana had it in their heads to create a technological tool for self-defence. When they realised that producing such a technological tool was not in line with the needs of a fashion start-up, they decided to create a partnership with Defence Systems Srl of Modena, a leading company in the sector of the distribution of protection and self-defence tools. Thus was born the Tatù pepper spray, with a completely redesigned outfit by the two young entrepreneurs who made it a true object of female desire and the hashtags #NotFear #PforWomenWhoDefendWomen #FashionNoVictim.

I believe that sensitising all women to react to violence and to walk the streets safer is something beautiful, which as a woman I can only welcome with open arms.

I quote the Tatu guys:

I do not stop behind the mountain fearing that I will not be able to overcome it, I do not wait for someone on the other side to decide for me what I am and what I must want, I do not imagine only destruction on the other side, or a world darker than my own, or winding roads full of pitfalls that are best left behind. There are no chains I cannot break! Instead, I envisage a chance of making it, because if it is true that 'only one in a thousand makes it', it is certainly the one who knew how to dare, who did not stop to feel sorry for himself, who got up from the worst fall, who looked straight at his goal and in the face of life! I may not realise my dream, but never can I say that I have given up on it, never can I say that I have not tried. 

No Fear is my motto!

Here, I really liked this one because I found myself in every single word.

I too do not know if I will realise my dream, but I am certainly not willing to give it up without trying. Not for anyone.

Violence against women can be physical violence, sexual violence or psychological violence. What is psychological violence? Psychological violence occurs when the partner controls his or her partner by pushing her away from social relationships of friendship and work with obsessive jealousy and insults her, humiliates her, threatens to abandon her or end the relationship, tells her she is crazy to make her feel guilty and manipulate her. Psychological violence is even more insidious because it does not bear the obvious signs of physical violence but wounds even more in the soul and heart. On sexual violence, on the other hand, I do not comment, as I consider it bestial and disgusting.

Personally, having the Tatù pepper spray handy in my bag makes me go out without fear when I ride alone in the underground, on the train or in the street late at night to defend myself against finite violence and sexual violence. For psychological violence the spray is no use, you have to work on yourself to get out of it.

So, to all women, I say "No Fear!". Protect your economic independence with maniacal care because this is the first step to emotional independence. Women, No Fear! The only limits we have are those we build around ourselves. We can do or be anything, dare to dream and believe in your dreams. The phrase I love the most?

"I am convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are not is perseverance." Steve Jobs

See you soon and many thanks to dear Alessia Berlusconi for giving me the opportunity to meet these two extraordinary guys.


Tattoo pepper spray

Ah, I wore the Niente Paura bracelet by Tatù and it's really beautiful... but the blue unisex one is also very cute! But did you see how beautiful the pepper spray 'dress' is!!! Thanks for the freebies! ? ?

P.S. And thanks also to Dr. Felice Filizzola for introducing me to this pizza al trancio (Spontini 1953) behind the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele that I found really delicious! At the event, I was too busy talking to people and taking photos to eat, but I realised at the entrance to the metro that I was famous! And also for taking the beautiful cover photo, with Alessia Berlusconi and Luca Zafarana! And also for the beautiful definition of Alessia as 'Guardian Angel'!

spontini milano pizza

P.P.S. Obviously always a thank you to Sony for providing me with the RX100M4 with which the cover photo of the evening was taken! For those interested in buying it, I would like to point out that it is currently on sale on Amazon for €200 off the list price at this link.

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