On this sunny Sunday I want to point out the call for contributions of the wine CMO 2022 which, if you are a wine cellar or a consortium, may be of interest to you. With this article I want to explain to you in simple terms the announcement that you can find on the Mipaaf website.


CMO wine 2022: what do the contributions finance?

  • Public relations, promotion and advertising;
  • Participation in events, fairs and exhibitions of international significance;
  • Information campaigns on designation of origin systemsgeographical indications and studies to evaluate the results of information and promotion actions carried out on DO and/or IG wines together with varietal wines, quality sparkling wines or quality aromatic sparkling wines of the Region in which the applicant has its operational headquarters.
  • The minimum amount of the eligible project must be 50,000 € per individual market if you build a multi-market project or a 100.000 € for only one market if your project concerns only one market. For example, it is permissible to do a project covering the German market, the Chinese market, and the Japanese market where you ask for €50,000 for the German market, €70,000 for the Chinese market, and €110,000 for the Japanese market, for a total project amount of €230,000. Or you can do a project aimed e.g. only at the German market, but then you have to ask for at least 100,000 € as a minimum contribution. So you can ask for 120,000 € (OK because more than 100,000 €), but you cannot ask for 70,000 € (ineligible because less than 100,000 €). Attention! Some homogeneous geographic areas have been declared comparable to a single third country even if administratively they are more than one third country. For example, Senegal and the Republic of South Africa both fall within the Africa Area and are therefore considered a single market. You can consult the homogeneous areas in theAnnex R.
  • The minimum amount of any expenditure to be eligible must be €5,000 or more. So if, for example, you want to apply for funding for a EUR 4,000 consultancy, this expenditure will not be considered eligible.
  • As a winery/consortium you can submit up to two eligible projects, but they must be aimed at two different foreign markets. For example, you can do a project for the German market and a project for the Japanese market. So also for this point pay attention to the homogeneous markets indicated in Annex R: e.g. Senegal and the Republic of South Africa are part of the homogeneous geographical area Area Africa and considered one market.
  • The contribution amounts to 50% of eligible expenditure. Therefore, if you submit a €150,000 project, it means that you can apply for €75,000 of your capital.

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Wine CMO 2022: requirements

  • If you are a wine cellar, you must be able to prove that the minimum quantity of wine bottled/packaged at the balance sheet date of 31 July 2021 marked as stock was more than 50 hectolitres, equal to approximately 6,667 standard bottles. Protection consortia recognised under Art. 41 Law 238/16, as non-wine-producing entities, are not required to submit documentation attesting grape/wine production or attesting the activities carried out in the cellar (register).

CMO wine 2022: deadline and application

In order to be considered, your project must reach the Emilia-Romagna Region by 15.00 on 10 August 2022 in one of these ways (please choose the one that is most convenient for you):

  • Delivery by PEC (Certified Electronic Mail) to the address agrapa@postacert.regione.emilia-romagna.it;
  • Delivery by hand or courier to the address Regione Emilia-Romagna - Direzione Generale Agricoltura, caccia e pesca - Settore Organizzazioni di mercato, qualità e promozione, Viale della Fiera 8 - 40127 Bologna. In this case, the envelope must be closed, sealed, stamped and signed by the legal representative on all margins, with the sender and the following wording: DO NOT OPEN - APPLICATION FOR WINE CMO CONTRIBUTION, MEASURE FOR THE PROMOTION OF WINE ON THE MARKETS OF THIRD COUNTRIES - COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 1308/13 - 2022/2023.

Attention!!!! The project must be received by the deadline, i.e. it will not be postmarked, but solely and exclusively the date and time of actual receipt by the Regional Administration.

Wine CMO 2022: documents to be attached

The list of documents to be submitted may seem long and 'daunting' to you, but when there is a lot of money at stake, it is right to be complete and transparent. Besides, if you get help from a competent person there won't be so many difficulties, so don't worry. Click on the green underlined attachment to download it directly from the official Mipaaf website.

  • Annex A: Cover Letter by you as the proposing party.
  • Annex B: Substitute declarations of administrative and financial certification both of the proposing party (you) and of all possible participating parties.
  • Annex C: Bank reference of a bank of your choice based in the European Union.
  • Annex D: Anti-mafia declaration.
  • Annex E: Declarations concerning the qualifications of small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Annex F: Declaration of production data; declarations of their own and any shareholders' contributions.
  • Annex G: The project proper: title, proposing party, project details (third countries, products, duration and timetable), project description (general context, strategy, target audience, objectives, content of the messages to be disseminated in relation to the specific actions undertaken, description of actions and sub-actions), monitoring of implementation and measurement of expected impact, financial plan, financing plan.
  • Annex HTechnical, economic and financial data of the project (list of participants and products, Country and Market data, Country Market actions, Financial Plan).
  • Annex I: Chronoprogramme.
  • Annex L: Commitment to form temporary business or special-purpose associations or business networks.
  • Annex MEligible Actions and Reference Costs
  • Annex N: Scores.
  • Annex O: Lists of proposers and participants by countries.
  • Annex PMulti-regional scoring.
  • Annex Q: Request variousnte ordinary CMO WineMeasure Promotion.
  • Annex R: Third countries, markets and homogeneous areas.
  • Annex S: Request minor variant CMO Wine, Promotion Measure.

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Wine CMO 2022: some final clarifications

  • Within the sub-action Public Relations (A6, B5 and C6), unlike in past years, there is no longer a Brand Ambassador Fee, so this is no longer an eligible expense.
  • Expenses related to the costs of issuing the surety guarantee are to be considered within the 4% of overheads.
  • Technical management activities may only be carried out by a third party. If the applicant does not use a third party to carry out the technical management activities (code E), it may only report costs relating to "General expenses".
  • If the project budget does not include the expenses of the technical direction entrusted to a third party, these are not subsequently accounted for.
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of third countries in which to develop the project.

The opportunity is wonderful, but the work is a lot and there is less than a month to prepare all the documents. If you would like to collaborate with me I can taste your wines, define the markets where they are most appealing and define your consumer profile in those markets, i.e. the target of your promotional campaigns. Together with Valentina Mantovani who deals with data analysis, I can carry out studies on the results of information campaigns and DOCG and DOC promotions for wine consortia.

In addition, using the collaboration of a professional whom I greatly respect - Francesco Galvani of Deep Marketing - I can help you make an effective plan to conquer the most suitable market for your wines, while Francesco and his staff can take care of all operational marketing.

Cheers 🍷


P.S. For more information, I recommend you consult the Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 WINE CMO. Measure "Promotion on third-country markets - Wine-growing year 2022-2023" - Approval of the implementation modalities for the presentation of the applications for contributions and the Ministerial Decree No. 229300 of 20 May 2022.

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