Wine sentences

Aphorisms about wine from famous people and films.

Wine has inspired literature since ancient times and has always been associated with the most beautiful of feelings: theLove. On this page you will find the wine aphorisms famous, of important people like Goethe, irreverent like Charles Bukowski... but also the anonymous phrases most beautiful! This list is constantly being updated... write to me if you have any quote on wine to suggest to me!

1. Phrases on wine - Love

 In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to love that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine'. Eduardo Hughes Galeano

'Unspoken love is like wine kept in the bottle: it does not quench the thirst'. George Herbert

"The soft sound of a cork being uncorked from the bottle has the sound of a man opening his heart". William S. Benwell

"I dined on a small piece of flatbread, but drank greedily an amphora of wine; now the beloved zither I touch softly and sing love to my tender maiden. Anacreon

'Wine adds a smile to friendship and a sparkle to love'. Edmondo De Amicis

"Wine is similar to man: one never knows to what extent one can esteem or despise, love and hate it, nor how many sublime deeds or criminal acts it is capable of". Charles Baudelaire

'Wine prepares hearts and makes them more ready for passion'. Ovid

"Or even just leave a kiss in the cup, and I won't ask for wine". Ben Jonson

"In water, one sees one's own face; but in wine, one sees the heart of another". French proverb

"It lends wine to the hearts and makes them more ready for passion: thoughts fade away; in the much wine all pain is tempered." Publius Ovidius Naso.

'A woman and a glass of wine satisfy every need; he who does not drink and kiss is worse than dead'. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

But between wine and love, I wouldn't know which is the reason to choose: in my opinion, so as not to do injustice to things of equal value, I would say that it is better to choose one and the other, than to choose neither. Lord Byron

"Here is the happiness of life, Love and wine equally we must have near". Aleksandr Sergeevič Pushkin

"I am beauty and love; I am friendship, your comfort; I am the one who forgets and forgives: the spirit of wine". William Ernest Henley

"Thy love spreads its vigour throughout my being, like a wine". Paul Verlaine

"Wines drinkable above all with love are like beautiful women, different, mysterious and fickle, and every wine like a woman must be taken. It always begins by refusing with gentleness or rudeness, according to temperament, and is only granted to those who aspire to its soul, as well as its body. She will belong to the one who discovers her with delicacy'. Luigi Veronelli

'Wine adds a smile to friendship and a sparkle to love'. Edmondo De Amicis

2. Phrases on wine - Friendship

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to friendship that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'Great is the fortune of him who possesses a good bottle, a good book, a good friend'. Molière

"When you are happy you drink to celebrate. When you are sad drink to forget, when you have nothing to be sad or happy about, drink to make something happen'. Charles Bukowski

'A bottle of wine implies sharing; I have never met a wine lover who was selfish'. Clifton Fadiman

'I drink to make others interesting'. George Jean Nathan

'Water divides men; wine unites them'. Libero Bovio

'I like everything old; old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wines'. Oliver Goldsmith

'Wine adds a smile to friendship and a sparkle to love'. Edmondo De Amicis

3. Wine Phrases - War

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to war that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the wine phrase I like best!

'The only weapon I tolerate is a corkscrew'. Jean Carmet

4. Wine Phrases - Cooking

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to cooking that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the wine phrase I like best!

'A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine'. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

'Wine is the intellectual part of a meal, meat and pulses are but the material part'. Alexandre Dumas

'Wine should be eaten, it is too good to be just drunk'. Jonathan Swift

5. Wine Phrases - Funny

In this section I have collected all the funny wine aphorisms I have found on the net. In bold you will find the wine phrase I like best!

"If wine were not an important thing, Jesus Christ would not have dedicated his first miracle to it"! Anonymous

"Of course, God was very generous to have given wine to man. If I were God, I would have kept the recipe for myself. Théophile Gautier

"Jesus turned water into wine. No wonder twelve disciples followed him everywhere". Coluche

"Quick, bring me a glass of wine, so that I can wet my mind and say something intelligent." Aristophanes

'You are like wine: the older you get, the more corky you taste'. Luciana Littizzetto

6. Phrases about wine - Women

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to women that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'He who does not love women wine and song, is only a fool and not a saint'. Arthur Shopenhauer

'We love young women, we drink aged wines'. Fragmentarius

7. Wine Phrases - Music & Language

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to music that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'Language is wine on the lips'. Virginia Woolf

'Good wine is each time a symphony of four movements, performed to the rhythm of the seasons. The sun, the soil, the climate and the vines modulate the work, while the winemaker, as soloist, imparts his own cadence'. Philippe Margot

"Wine and music were always the best corkscrews for me. Anton Chekhov

8. Wine Phrases - Future & Dreams

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to the future that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

"Stretch the bottle towards the light; you will see that your dreams are always at the bottom". Rob Hutchison

"But what intoxication can the most famous wine give, if to receive it inside there is not at least the weary shadow of a dream?" Corrado Govoni

'Nothing makes the future so rosy as contemplating it through a glass of Chambertin'. Napoleon Bonaparte

9. Wine Phrases - Life & Memories

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to life that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'Fill your skull with wine before it fills with earth'. Nazim Hikmet

'In the chalices of my meditation I drink only the [...] of blond wine; I drink it only with my eyes, closing them, and life passes like a distant sail'. Fernando Pessoa

'How one remembers the taste of wine when the glass and its colour have been lost'. Kahlil Gibran

"Life is so bitter, wine is so sweet; so why not drink?" Umberto Saba

'The wine of youth sometimes does not become clear with the passage of time, but turbid'. Carl Gustav Jung

"The sparkling wine on the palate lingered swallowed. Pressing into the vat bunches of grapes. The warmth of the sun, that's what it is. It's like a secret caress that awakens memories". James Joyce

10. Wine Phrases - Philosophy

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to philosophy that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world'. Louis Pasteur

'The beauty of wine is that, for two hours, your problems are someone else's'. Pedro Ruiz

"Wine is one of the greatest signs of civilisation in the world. Ernest Hemingway

'Reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of wine'. Anonymous

"Always ready for a new idea and an old wine'. Bertold Brecht

11. Wine Phrases - Health

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to health that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

"I enjoyed great health until late in life, because every day since I can remember I consumed a bottle of wine, except when I did not feel well. Then I consumed two bottles'. Bishop of Seville

'Wine is to the soul what water is to the body'. Mario Soldati

'Wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks'. Louis Pasteur

12. Wine sentences - Astemi

In this section I have collected all the wine aphorisms dedicated to teetotalers that I have found on the net. In bold you will find the phrase about wine that I like best!

'There is nothing wrong with sobriety in small doses'. John Ciardi

'No poem written by water drinkers can please or live long'. Horace

'Be temperate in your drinking: too much wine keeps no secrets nor does it keep promises'. Miguel de Cervantes

"It is not true that a man is transformed by getting drunk. It is when he is sober that he is different!" Thomas De Quincey

'Don't trust a person who doesn't like wine'. Karl Marx

"No one is more dangerous than a man without ideas, the day he has one will go to his head like wine to a teetotaler". Gilbert Keith Chesterton

'The teetotaler: a weakling who gives in to the temptation to deny himself a pleasure'. Ambrose Bierce

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