Bookshops, Hotel Institutes, Wine Shops and other outlets

Great idea, let's see how to do it together! 😉 Cammeo DiVino Editore reserves wholesale rates for bookshops, hotelier institutes, wine shops and all operators in the sector who want to resell my books in their shop, also with flexible and customised minimum order quantities.

You can find our books here:

  • Bookshop Mondadori (Terracina), tel. 0773 703301
  • Bookshop Cape Point (Bergamo Alta), tel. 035 237391
  • Bookshop Moby Dick (Faenza, RA), tel. 0546 663605
  • Bookshop Mailtrade – (Dozza, BO), tel. 0542 367200
  • Commissioners' Bookshop UPIE (San Giuliano Terme, PI), tel. 050 878343
  • Bookshop The Tower (Alba, CN), tel. 0173 33658
  • Bookshop La Martinella (Colle Val D'Elsa, SI), tel. 0577 921387
  • Bookshop Zanetti (Montebelluna, TV), tel. 0423 604748


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